I got you out on parole first. remember? 我先保释你出来,记得吗?
During the prison term, Paunch could be released on parole only under supervision. 刑期内可以假释,但在假释期内,庞奇必须置于他人监督之下。
One in 31 US adults is now in jail, on probation or on parole. 目前每31个美国成年人中,就有1个在狱中服刑、被判缓刑或假释。
A prisoner on parole is placed on his honor to return to custody by a certain date. 假释的犯人要发誓在某一特定的日期前返回监督。
One is dead, one is out on parole. 另有一个死了,一个被假释。
A prisoner may have his sentence reduced for good behaviour or be released on parole according to law. The probation period for parole in the case of life imprisonment is 10 years. 罪犯在服刑期间表现好的有获得依法减刑、假释的权利。无期徒刑的假释考验期限为十年。
One prisoner, who appeared to be improving after surgery, was released on parole, but ended up back in prison. 一名囚犯,在手术后似乎有所改善,并被假释出狱,但结果还是返回到监狱里。
Got three to five for possession, out on parole in two. 因持有而被判三到五年,违令则是两年。
Lenient Treatment to the Persons Serving Sentences under Harmonious Context& A prisoner may have his sentence reduced for good behaviour or be released on parole according to law. 论和谐语境下对监狱服刑罪犯的宽容&罪犯在服刑期间表现好的有获得依法减刑、假释的权利。
Requirements for being released on parole for medical treatment are more flexible for juvenile, elderly and female prisoners. 对未成年犯、老年犯和女犯的保外就医条件适当放宽。
A group of people who advise the home secretary if a prisoner shall be released on parole before the end of his sentence. 给内政大臣提出关于囚犯在未刑满前能否假释意见的一组人。
These are a result of mandatory sentencing measures such as "three strikes" laws and limits on parole release. 产生这一现象的原因是“三犯加刑”这样的法规以及对假释的限制。
Many of those released had served all or most of their sentences, and they remain on parole. 许多被释放的人已经几乎服完了他们全部的刑期而且仍在假释中。
He was out on parole at the time of the incident. 在事件发生时,他正在狱外假释。
China's law stipulates that prisoners who really show repentance and have rendered meritorious service can, upon rulings of the people's courts, have their sentences commuted or be put on parole. 中国法律规定,对确有悔改和立功表现的罪犯,经人民法院裁定分别给予减刑、假释。
This guy's on parole. 这伙在假释中。
The criminal promised to reform himself, so he was released on parole. 罪犯表示愿意改过自新,所以被假释出狱了。
Many have had their sentence reduced or been released on parole for outstanding behaviour during the reform-through-labour process. 许多罪犯由于在劳动改造过程中表现突出,依法获得减刑、假释;
He's getting out on parole, so he said to come and meet him. 他假释出狱了。还说会来这里见你。
You cooperate; you're free on parole. 如果你跟警方合作,逃狱改为放监。
Please tell me thjs sweet thjng JS out on parole. 告诉我这个家伙是不是假释了。
He is let out on parole and immediately burgles a house. 他在被有条件释放后很快就破门盗窃了一家住宅。
At length, in the war of1812, her dwelling was set on fire by English soldiers, prisoners on parole, when she was away, and her cat and dog and hens were all burned up together. 最后,一八一二年,她的住宅给一些英国兵烧掉了,他们是一些假释的俘虏,那时恰巧她不在家,她的猫、狗和老母鸡一起都给烧死了。
To ensure fair and rational rewards and penalties, strict regulations govern the procedures for reduction of sentence or release on parole. 为了保证奖罚的公正、合理,还对罪犯的减刑和假释程序作了严格规定。
Aren't you on parole? 你不是在假释期间吗?
A duplicate of the ruling on parole shall be sent to the people's procuratorate. 假释裁定的副本应当抄送人民检察院。
On parole for assault two. 其中两次在假释期。
Release a criminal from detention and place him on parole. We also agree to be bound by the Terms and Conditions on the reverse hereof. 把罪犯从拘禁状态中解放出来并有条件释放。本公司并同意接受本申请书背面约定条款之拘束。
Stand the table on its legs, so that the top is horizontal. release a criminal from detention and place him on parole. 把桌子的四条腿放好,这样桌面就放平了。把罪犯从拘禁状态中解放出来并有条件释放。